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AskMyBook - August 2023

This is an experimental project using the OpenAI API. Essentially, you can use your PDF as a source of information, and then you can chat or ask questions based on the information from the PDF.

Tech stack used: React JS, Ruby on Rails

Screenshot at Nov 07 17-53-06.png

Fita - Dec 2022

Fita is a health-tech platform that helps Indonesians live healthy and happy through building good habits. They aim to plug the preventive healthcare gap in Indonesia by providing localized fitness and wellness videos, recipes, meal planning tips, and guidance that has been curated by certified fitness trainers and nutritionists. 


Me and my team developed Fita company profile website with 10+ pages

Tech stack used: React, Next.js, and GraphQL

Sisnaker Karirhub
(Ministry of Manpower Indonesia) - Dec 2019

Sistem Informasi Ketenagakerjaan (SISNAKER) is a digital ecosystem that becomes a platform for all types of public services and employment activities, both at the central and regional levels.

Karirhub is one of the employment services on the portal that deals with job vacancy informations. This service brings together corporate or individual employers with job seekers both domestically and abroad.

Tech stack used: HTML5, CSS3, Angular.js

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Sisnaker Pelatihan
(Ministry of Manpower Indonesia) - Aug 2018

Sistem Informasi Ketenagakerjaan (SISNAKER) is a digital ecosystem that becomes a platform for all types of public services and employment activities, both at the central and regional levels.

Pelatihan is part of Sisnaker, an offline-based training service supported by credible training partner partners and experienced instructors. This is also one of several platforms that organize program "Prakerja", one of Indonesia's President Joko Widowo program that give people free credits to spend on courses that help them developing their hard an soft skills.

Tech stack used: HTML5, CSS3, Angular.js

Radarchitecture - 2021

RAD+ar is a Jakarta-based group of architect, designer, and thinker founded by Antonius Richard,
with a pursuit of provocative and experimental ways of design, whilst promoting sustainable
architecture to the public which focus to bring the idea of architecture as an art of utilizing space
in most provocative and utopian research-based approach.

My main responsibilities as a developer and also project consulting is create website to showcase their portfolios in a stunning and non-mainstream, 3D way.

Tech stack used: Wordpress, HTML5, CSS3, Three.js

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Satumarket - 2021

Satumarket is Pontianak based e-groceries where people can buy their groceries online.

My main responsibilities was developing their mobile apps, where user can buy groceries, add to cart, and checkout their groceries.

I also helped to add automatic virtual account payment system using Permata API.

Tech stack used: Flutter, Redux library, Vue.js, Laravel

Binus Innovation Award - 2019

The Innovation Award is an event held by Binus Knowledge Management which is a competition for innovation ideas within the Binus Group.

The scope of this project was a website that enabled users to submit their ideas/innovations on the website, while the judge was able to submit a score for each idea.

Tech stack used: HTML5, CSS3, Vue.js


Javascript Games - Since 2015

When I was started learning HTML and Javascript, I created several games that built using HTML5 + Javascript that run on the web.


Through these games I could understand several fundamentals of HTML5 Canvas, and also Javascript, by implementing Object Oriented Programming in ES2016.


Tech stack used: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery

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